Welcome to the revolution of history. . .

It is with great pleasure and inspiration that we announce the creation of the newest Jiu-Jitsu academy in Austin, TX. We are in the early stages of building something unique in the Jiu-Jitsu world, so please check back with us frequently, as we release more information about the academy, our staff, our vision and our curriculum. Our academy will be a destination for some of the greatest Jiu-Jitsu teachers and competitors in the world. Our mats will serve as equal parts classroom and laboratory, where we will provide unparalleled instruction into the fundamental principles of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, while also continually testing our techniques through hard work and dedication.

We are from the old school. We believe there are no shortcuts to success. We know that for those who make sacrifices in their lives and view those sacrifices as an investment in themselves, the rewards are immense and everlasting. And it is for this reason that we are dedicated to building the foundations of an exceptional Jiu-Jitsu academy. We know it will take time, patience, and effort – these things we have in abundance. What we will need soon, are people who are aligned with our vision.

We are already teaching classes but we are NOT, for the time being, taking new students. There are a few reasons for this:

First, we are building an academy that will be free of all the elements that are so often a part of today’s Jiu-Jitsu schools – ego, pettiness, unsportsmanlike behavior, rumor mongering, disloyalty, and general poor character. And we can only achieve this ideal if we start fresh. A building is only as strong as its foundation, and we are working hard to build a foundation that will withstand the test of time and the inevitable setbacks associated with continued growth.

Second, it is our goal to have an academy that can be open to anyone who loves Jiu-Jitsu. Gone is the time when academies in one city viewed each other as ‘rivals’ or ‘competitors’. While we believe deeply in loyalty to one team, we are firm believers that opening our doors to share our Jiu-Jitsu with others will only promote the evolution of Jiu-Jitsu and encourage the camaraderie that should be common amongst all Jiu-Jitsu practitioners.

So, out of respect for all the other academies in Austin, and with particular regard for Phil Cardella and the Relson Gracie Academy in Austin, we will NOT be taking any students (blue belt or above) who are current students at any other local academy until the start of the new year. After January 1st, those who would like to join our academy are welcome to join; however, it is our hope that by instituting this restriction, we demonstrate our commitment to our friendships in the area and also provide each academy with ample time to evaluate the changing landscape of Jiu-Jitsu in Austin.

Jiu-Jitsu is a profoundly effective martial art – both as a self-defense art, as well as an art that develops the bonds of human character and connection. It can be invincible in its application, except when it is taught in an environment that fosters selfish behavior and encourages the idea of success through the failure of others. At Gracie Legacy, we are one team – one family. We fight to keep alive a tradition that was passed to us directly from the founder of Gracie Jiu-Jitsu, Hélio Gracie and his son, Royler Gracie. And it is with this legacy in mind that we work only to elevate our teammates. From black belt to white belt, we all work to lift our teammates on our shoulders, because their success is our triumph.

If you would like to become a member of our family, please provide us with your contact information below. A short note about your background in Jiu-Jitsu (belt rank, teacher, goals in Jiu-Jitsu, etc.) would be helpful. As the new year approaches, we will reach out to those who have submitted their information with more details on our academy and our plans. We are working hard now to build the foundation for our team, and we look forward to having you as part of that team in 2012.

Welcome to our tradition.

Welcome to Gracie Legacy.


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Big Poppa / Forum Admin
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